Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan Height, Age, Wife, Family, Caste, Biography & More

Quick Info→
Caste: Kayastha
Age: 78 Years
Height: 6’ 2”

Amitabh Bachchan

Birth nameInquilaab Srivastava
Full NameAmitabh Harivansh Rai Shrivastava
Nickname(s)Munna, Big B, Angry Young Man, AB Sr., Amith, Shahenshah of Bollywood
Profession(s)Actor, TV Host, Former Politician
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 188 cm
in meters- 1.88 m
in Feet Inches- 6’ 2”
Eye ColourDark Brown
Hair ColourSalt & Pepper
Personal Life
Date of Birth11 October 1942
Age (as of 2020)78 Years
BirthplaceAllahabad, United Provinces, British India (now, Uttar Pradesh, India)
Zodiac signLibra
SignatureAmitabh Bachchan Signature
HometownAllahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
SchoolJnana Pramodhini, Boys High School, Allahabad
College/University• Sherwood College, Nainital, India
• Government College Sector- 11, Chandigarh (attended for only 25 days)
• Kirori Mal College, New Delhi, India
Educational QualificationBachelor of Science
DebutBollywood Film- Saat Hindustani (1969)
Amitabh Bachchan in Saat Hindustani
Hollywood Film- The Great Gatsby (2013)
Amithabh Bachchan's Hollywood Debut Film- The Great Gatsby
As A Producer- Tere Mere Sapne (1996)
Amitabh Bachchan produced Tere Mere Sapne (1996)
Television- Kaun Banega Crorepati - KBC (2000)
Amitabh Bachchan Kaun Banega Crorepati
Food HabitNon-vegetarian
Political InclinationIndian National Congress (INC)
B/2, Kapol Housing Society,
VL Mehta Road, Juhu, Mumbai – 400049, Maharashtra, India
Amitabh Bachchan House Jalsa
HobbiesSinging, Blogging, Reading
Awards, Honours, AchievementsCivilian Awards
1984: Padma Shri by the Government of India
2001: Padma Bhushan by the Government of India
2007: Knight of the Legion of Honour (France's highest civilian honor from the Government of France)
2015: Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India
Amitabh Bachchan receiving Padma Vibhushan

National Honours
1980: Awadh Samman by the Government of Uttar Pradesh
1994: Yash Bharti Award (Uttar Pradesh's highest honor)
2005: Deenanath Mangeshkar award
2013: President of India 'Medallion of Honour'

National Film Awards
1990: Best Actor for Agneepath
2005: Best Actor for Black
2009: Best Actor for Paa
2015: Best Actor for Piku
2019: Dadasaheb Phalke Award
Amitabh Bachchan receiving the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award

2002: Voted the "Hottest Male Vegetarian" by 'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (PETA)
2008: Voted "Asia's Sexiest Vegetarian Man"
2012: Voted the "Hottest Male Vegetarian" for the fourth time by 'People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' (PETA)

Note: He has many more awards/honors/accolades to his name.
Controversies• His name appeared in the Bofors scandal in which he was later declared not guilty.
• He was indicted for submitting false documents to prove that he is a farmer.
• Stardust imposed a 15-year ban on him during his peak acting years. According to his blog, he brought the idea of a National Emergency and a ban on Media. So, the media took that otherwise and banned Amitabh Bachchan: means no interviews, no mention or pictures, etc.
• In 1996, he had to face a legal battle for organizing the Miss World competition inappropriately.
• In 2007, a Faizabad court ruled that Amitabh Bachchan was anything but a farmer— a secret most of India would have guessed but one that has landed the superstar in trouble over two messy land deals. According to the court, the actor had got himself certified a farmer by forgery; so that he could hold on to a 24-acre plot he had bought near Lonavla in Pune in the mid-1990s. Since Maharashtra laws allow only a farmer to buy agricultural land, the actor showed the Pune district authorities a certificate from the then Barabanki district magistrate, Ramashankar Sahu, saying Amitabh was a farmer because he owned farmland in the district. The court ruled that the 1993 Barabanki land transfer in Amitabh’s name was illegal.
Relationships & More
Marital StatusMarried
Affairs/Girlfriends Parveen Babi (Indian Actress)
Amitabh Bachchan with Parveen Babi
 Rekha (Indian Actress)
Amitabh Bachchan with Rekha
 Jaya Bhaduri (Indian Politician & Former Indian Actress)
Marriage Date3 June 1973
Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya at the time of their marriage
Wife/SpouseJaya Bhaduri Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan with his wife
ChildrenSon- Abhishek Bachchan (Actor)
Daughter- Shweta Bachchan Nanda
Amitabh Bachchan with his family
Daughter-in-law- Aishwarya Rai (Actress)
ParentsFather- Harivansh Rai Bachchan (Hindi Poet)
Mother- Teji Bachchan, Shyamla (Step-mother)
Amitabh Bachchan with his parents
Baby Amitabh Bachchan with his parents
SiblingsBrother- Ajitabh Bachchan (Younger, Businessman)
Amitabh Bachchan with his brother Ajitabh Bachchan
Sister- None
Favorite Things
FoodBhindi Sabzi, Jalebi, Kheer, Gulab Jamun
Sweet ShopJhama Sweets, Chembur, Mumbai
ActorDilip Kumar
ActressWaheeda Rehman
ComedianMehmood Ali
Film(s)Bollywood- Kagaz Ke Phool, Ganga Jamuna, Pyasa
Hollywood- Gone With The Wind, Godfather, Black, Scarface
Singer(s)Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar
Music InstrumentSarod
SportsCricket, Lawn Tennis
Tennis PlayerNovak Djokovic
Football ClubChelsea
Holiday Destination(s)London, Switzerland, Saint Petersburg
Style Quotient
Cars CollectionBentley Arnage R, Bentley Continental GT, Lexus LX 470, Mercedes-Benz SL 500 AMG, Porche Cayman S, Range Rover SUV, Mini Cooper, Rolls Royce Phantom, Toyota Land Cruiser, BMW 760Li, BMW X5, Mercedes Benz S320, Mercedes Benz S600, Mercedes Benz E240
Amitabh Bachchan's Rolls Royce Phantom
Note: in April 2019, he sold his Rolls Royce Phantom worth ₹3.5 crore
Money Factor
Salary (approx.)Rs. 20 Crores/film (As in 2018)
Assets/PropertiesMovable Assets- worth over Rs. 460 crore
Immovable Assets- worth over Rs. 540 crore
Jewelry- worth over Rs. 62 crore
Vehicles- worth over Rs. 13 crore
Watches- worth over Rs. 3.5 crore
Pen(s)- worth over Rs. 9 lakh
Residential Properties- a 3,175 sqm residential property in Brignogan Plage in France (in addition, properties in Noida, Bhopal, Pune, Ahmedabad, and Gandhinagar)
Agricultural Land- a 3-acre plot worth Rs. 5.7 crore in Daulatpur area of Barabanki district
Net Worth (approx.)$400 million; Rs. 2800 Crores (as in 2019) 

Amitabh Bachchan

Some Lesser Known Facts About Amitabh Bachchan

  • Does Amitabh Bachchan smoke?: No (quit smoking in the early 1980s)
  • Does Amitabh Bachchan drink alcohol?: No (quit drinking in the early 1980s)
  • His forefathers belonged to the village- Babupatti of Pratapgarh District in Uttar Pradesh.
  • His mother, Teji Bachchan, was a Sikh and hailed from Lyallpur (now, in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan).
  • His father, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, was a renowned Hindi Poet.
  • Initially, he was named- ‘Inquilab,’ but after the suggestion of Sumitranandan Pant (a fellow poet of Harivansh Rai Bachchan), it was changed to ‘Amitabh,’ which means- ‘The light that will never die.’

    Amitabh Bachchan in his childhood

    Amitabh Bachchan in his childhood

  • Although his real surname is Srivastava,’ his father replaced it with ‘Bachchan, because his father Harivansh Rai abandoned the surname ‘Shrivastava’ to protest against the caste system in India.
  • His mother had an interest in theatres and was even offered a feature film role, which she denied later and preferred her domestic duties.
  • During his college days, he used to act in plays.

    A picture of a play starring Amitabh Bachchan during his college days

    A picture of a play starring Amitabh Bachchan during his college days

  • When he was young, he wanted to become an engineer and was eager to join the Indian Air Force.
  • During his college days, he was a good athlete and won the 100, 200, and 400-meter races. At the Sherwood in Nainital, he also won a Boxing Championship.
  • In 1983, his left hand was burnt during Diwali.
  • Amitabh, known for his Baritone voice, was once rejected by All India Radio.
  • Before making his acting debut in “Saat Hindustani,” he made his film debut as a voice narrator in the National Award-winning film- “Bhuvan Shome” (1969) by Mrinal Sen.

    Amitabh Bachchan gave his voice in Bhuvan Shome

    Amitabh Bachchan gave his voice in Bhuvan Shome

  • For his role as a doctor in the 1971 film- Anand, he got his first Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor.
  • He shared the screen with his future wife Jaya Bhaduri for the first time in the film- Guddi (1971); in which he made a guest appearance.

    Amitabh Bachchan with Jaya Bachchan in Guddi

    Amitabh Bachchan with Jaya Bachchan in Guddi

  • He rose to stardom after the 1973 film- Zanjeer by Prakash Mehra; in which he played the role of Inspector Vijay Khanna. This film gave him the nickname- Angry Young Man, his performance in the film is also considered one of the most iconic performances in the history of Bollywood.

    Amitabh Bachchan in Zanjeer

    Amitabh Bachchan in Zanjeer

  • Before the success of ‘Zanjeer,’ he was a part of 12 consecutive flop films.
  • Amitabh shared a close bond with late actor Mehmood Ali who used to call him Danger Diabolic. While remembering Mehmood Ali on his eighth death anniversary in July 2012, Amitabh said,

    Mehmood Bhai was among the early contributors to my career graph, he having faith from day one in me, much against the wishes and comments of naysayers. For some peculiar reason he would address me as Danger Diabolic, and was the first producer to give me a lead role ? Bombay to Goa, a remake of a Tamil hit ‘Madras to Pondicherry.”

    Amitabh Bachchan With Mehmood Ali

    Amitabh Bachchan With Mehmood Ali

  • Reportedly, he was paid Rs. 1 lakh for his role of Jai in the iconic Indian film- Sholay (1975)
    Amitabh Bachchan in Sholay

    Amitabh Bachchan in Sholay

    Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Sanjeev Kumar, Amjad Khan during the filming of Sholay

    Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Sanjeev Kumar, Amjad Khan during the filming of Sholay

  • On 26 July 1982, he suffered a near-fatal injury while filming Coolie at the University Campus in Bangalore. He was also declared clinically dead for 11 minutes by the doctors till they plunged adrenaline injections into his chest saving his life.
  • After the Coolie incident, he was diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis (a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of muscle weakness).
  • In 2017, during one of the episodes of “Kaun Banega Crorepati” (KBC), he spoke about his tryst with Hepatitis B. He said that he had lost 75% of his liver due to a late diagnosis of the disease, which he contracted through a blood transfusion after the Coolie accident. He also said that he was infected with Tuberculosis (TB) on the set of KBC in 2000. However, after proper treatment, he is now free from Tuberculosis (TB). Amitabh was also appointed the UNICEF ambassador of the hepatitis B awareness campaign.
  • In 1984, he took a break from acting and entered politics to support his friend Rajiv Gandhi. He also contested for the Allahabad seat in the 8th Lok Sabha elections against H.N. Bahuguna and won with the highest victory margin in the history of the general elections (68.2% of the vote).

    Amitabh Bachchan Campaigning During The 8th Lok Sabha Elections

    Amitabh Bachchan Campaigning During The 8th Lok Sabha Elections

  • After 3 years in politics, he resigned, calling politics a cesspool.
  • Reportedly, when his company- ABCL (Amitabh Bachchan Corporation) failed, his friend, Amar Singh, had helped him financially, following which, Amitabh started to support Amar Singh and his party- Samajwadi Party.
  • He won his First National Film Award for the Best Actor for his role as a Mafia Don in the 1990 film- Agneepath.

  • After the box-office failure of his film- Insaniyat (1994), he didn’t appear in any film for 5 years.
  • In 1996, he formed his film production company- Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL). ABCL was also the main sponsor of the 1996 Miss World beauty pageant in Bangalore but lost millions.
  • His career and fame were revived in 2000 when he made his television debut with a game show- Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC).
    Amitabh Bachchan GIF
  • In June 2000, he became the First living Asian whose statue was modeled at the London’s Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.

    Amitabh Bachchan's wax statue at the Madame Tussauds, London

    Amitabh Bachchan’s wax statue at the Madame Tussauds, London

  • He had a pet dog, Sihanouk, who died in June 2013 after a brief illness. It was a Piranha Dane dog, one of the world’s tallest dog breeds.

    Amitabh Bachchan with his pet dog, Shanouk

    Amitabh Bachchan with his pet dog, Shanouk

  • He can write evenly well with both of his hands.

    Amitabh Bachchan Writing

    Amitabh Bachchan Writing

  • In 2017, All Bengal Amitabh Bachchan Fans’ Association unveiled the life-size statue of Mr. Bachchan in Tiljala, a neighborhood of South Kolkata. Crafted by Subrata Bose, the statue has given Bachchan’s ‘Sarkar’ avatar.

    Amitabh Bachchan's Temple in Tiljala, Kolkata

    Amitabh Bachchan’s Temple in Tiljala, Kolkata

  • On 24 September 2019, the Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar announced through a tweet that Mr. Bachchan would be conferred the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award. The award came in the year that marked Mr. Bachchan’s golden jubilee in cinema since his debut in 1969 with Khwaja Ahmad Abbas’ Saat Hindustani. Interestingly, the Dadasaheb Phalke award itself was first presented in the year of Mr. Bachchan’s debut. It was introduced by the government in 1969 to commemorate the “father of Indian cinema” who directed Raja Harischandra (1913), India’s first feature film, and it was awarded for the first time to Devika Rani, “the first lady of Indian cinema.”
  • When a KBC contestant asked him about his real name, he shared an interesting story behind his name. He said, during Quit India Movement in 1942 (his birth year), people used to organize rallies. His mother Teji Bachchan who was eight-month pregnant at that time joined one of the rallies. Unable to find her at the house, the family members got worried and searched for her at the rally. When they brought her back, one of Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s friends joked about Teji Bachchan’s patriotism and said that the baby (Amitabh Bachchan) should be named Inquilab. He added that later his father’s close friend Sumitra Nandan Pant, who visited the family on the same day Big B was born, came up with the name Amitabh.
  • In April 2020, he shared a throwback picture on his social media account, reminiscing his first photo-shoot for a film magazine – ‘Star & Style.’

    Amitabh Bachchan's Post About His First Photo Shoot For a Magazine

    Amitabh Bachchan’s Post About His First Photo Shoot For a Magazine

  • On 11 July 2020, he was tested positive for COVID-19 and had been admitted to the Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai. The actor announced the news on his Twitter handle.